Award Dinner at Jean George Steakhouse

作者:      2023年5月25日

2023年5月UPG在被TPC收购以后首次于美国Las Vegas举行高层执行会议,会议主要回顾过去5年UPG的发展策略的执行情况和未来5年的发展方向。



• 进一步发展中国的技术优势和扩大客户群,主要侧重在新能源和医疗行业的客户,客户面不限于外资包括更多的服务优秀的民营企业和创投企业;

• 完成墨西哥工厂的筹建,迁移部分业务给墨西哥,支持墨西哥工厂的建设;

• 在各个分公司发展自动化和效率提升;

• 进一步拓展英国工厂的医疗板块业务,生产面积翻倍,同时筹建美国分公司的医疗车间,做到全球都有医疗板块;

同时会议期间UPG CEO Maurice在Jean George Steakhouse举办了隆重的颁奖晚宴宴请执行团队的各个成员并为优秀成员颁发荣誉证书。



Yan Jiang:  Growth during Lockdown Award (封控发展奖)

主要贡献 Key achievement:


UPG Suzhou continued to grow during the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, UPG Suzhou was one of the first plants to reopen during the initial lockdown period. Under Jiang Yan’s management, the plant has maintained stable operations and continued growth with fantastic success.Yan developed medical industry ,team’s  technical capability , business development capability and company’s core competitive advantage consequently.


Phil Miller: $50 million award (五千万美元奖)

主要贡献 Key achievement:


Working with IBM on a new $50 million project is a massive opportunity for UPG.


Gary Ahlschlager: Explosive Growth Award (爆炸性增长奖)

主要贡献 Key achievement:


Energy industry sales grew from 0 to $15 million in just over a year. UPG energy products are used in hydraulic fracturing for oil extraction – they exploded, and so did UPG’s energy industry sales.


Sandy Cook: Automation Award (自动化奖)

主要贡献 Key achievement:

凭借复杂的机器人技术持续完善UPG 休斯顿的自动化。提高UPG 休斯顿的效率及利润率。

Continually improve automation at UPG Houston with sophisticated robotics. As a result, improve efficiency and profitability at UPG Houston.


Lee Bowen: Wales of a transition Award (威尔士转型奖)

主要贡献 Key achievement:


Exited an unattractive market valued at $10 million and replaced it with a high-value-added business in the industrial and medical sectors. This has led to an improvement in UPG Wales’ financial performance.


Andrew Jowett: Our Favorite CFO Award (最受大家喜爱的CFO奖)

主要贡献 Key achievement:


Completed four earnings quality projects and answered thousands of questions from various investors. Completed all of these additional tasks.


David Wallace: Perfect Product Development Award (完美产品开发奖)

主要贡献 Key achievement:


Developing the Ten Port Switch with IBM Tape, perfectly.